Sunday, July 04, 2010

SPB News for Sunday

Gates Tightens Rules for Military and the Media

Biden Makes Surprise Iraq Visit

Tony Blair honored with peace medal, cash prize

BP admits not using risk test
Tells UK's Telegraph industry test not used at any US deepwater wells.

Utah radio station dumps Sean Hannity… SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) - KSL Radio announced that they will no longer air Sean Hannity's syndicated national talk show. — The last KSL broadcast of the Sean Hannity show will air on October 1, 2010. — The announcement comes after speculation …

Obama: GOP Senators 'Using Their Power To Hold This Relief Hostage'

In this weekend's YouTube address, President Obama announced the funding of two solar energy companies by the Department of Energy, with nearly $2 billion. He also attacked Republican leaders for blocking his economic relief proposals.

"In the short term, we're fighting to speed up this recovery and keep the economy growing by all means possible. That means extending unemployment insurance for workers who lost their job. That means getting small businesses the loans they need to keep their doors open and hire new workers. And that means sending relief to states so they don't have to lay off thousands of teachers and firefighters and police officers," said Obama. "Still, at a time when millions of Americans feel a deep sense of urgency in their own lives, Republican leaders in Washington just don't get it. While a majority of Senators support taking these steps to help the American people, some are playing the same old Washington games and using their power to hold this relief hostage - a move that only ends up holding back our recovery. It doesn't make sense."

Chambliss: 'America Is Vulnerable' From National Debt
In this weekend's Republican address, Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA) recognized the Independence Day weekend, and declared that President Obama's fiscal policies present a new danger to American independence.

"As the Declaration's parchment has yellowed with age, America has become a rich nation whose ideals and economy have been the envy of the world. We have faced down many enemies at home and abroad. But one of the most dangerous threats confronting America today doesn't come from without, but from within. And I'm talking about our national debt," said Chambliss, also adding: "Just as with our energy and food supplies, America is vulnerable when we disproportionately rely on other nations. It is a matter of great concern that we are in deep debt to countries that often don't share our values or positions."

Last week's poll had asked:

World leaders are gathering in Canada for the G8 and G20 meetings. Will the G8 and G20 meetings make a difference? JL readers answered  maybe. This week's poll is now up.

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