Thursday, July 08, 2010

Report slams BofA on foreclosures

Austin Weekly News:

Dorothy Daniel, 78, never asked the government for a bailout like Bank of America did. But after making payments on time every month for her home of 40 years, she asked for help before she needed it, and now, Daniels, an amputee, is not only fighting for her life but to save her home from foreclosure.

Daniel is just one of thousands of West Side residents fighting for their homes or businesses. This time, the fight is with Bank of America, which has the greatest number of foreclosures in the country, in Chicago and in Austin, according to a new report released June 30 by National People's Action.

The organization - which started in Austin - joined forces with the South Austin Coalition Community Council to release the report: "Bank of America Forecloses on Chicago." After announcing their findings last Wednesday, organizers led residents on a walking tour in the neighborhood to hang signs and point out the number of Bank of America foreclosures on two streets.

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