Tuesday, July 06, 2010

GOP Says Boner's Gaffes Are All Part of the Plan to Retake House


It's hard to believe the Republicans are serious when they say that several days of bad publicity are all part of the plan, but it was the theme echoed by staffers with whom TPM spoke. They think Boehner is being aggressive -- though inartful -- on purpose and has elevated himself to merit an Obama swat-down.

A Republican aide speaking on background told TPM that rank-and-file members feel like Boehner "has taken the fight" to the Democrats, forcing them to focus on him. Until this week, Boehner had commanded little of Obama's attention.

"It raises John Boehner to the president's level, and whether they meant to do it or not, they have," the GOP aide said in an interview. The aide (who does not work for Boehner) said Boehner's team has decided he won't just take lumps and move on if the Democrats jump on something he said. The new strategy is to "start throwing some of your own back," using the media attention to highlight the party's messages for the fall elections.

The aide's rosy outlook on November is a factor in his forgiveness for Boehner, sure, but there's no doubt that recent events have raised the minority leader's national visibility. (As we wrote last spring, Speaker Nancy Pelosi is one of the only widely-known members of Congressional leadership.)

"Speaker Boehner is a real possibility," the aide said

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