Thursday, July 01, 2010

FEC Investigating Paul’s Campaign For Liberty

The Federal Election Commission has launched two investigations into Ron Paul’s/Rand Paul’s Campaign for Liberty

Click here to read the entire thing.

For more information, courtesy Politico, here’s (Warning: External PDF Link) at least one of the FEC complaints filed.

Here’s an excerpt:

[I]n January 2010, intending to benefit Buck and the Buck Committee and, upon information and belief, with the involvement of John Hoteling, Campaign for Liberty used funds funneled to it by Hensel Phelps and/or Morgensen and/or other individuals who have contributed in excess of the maximum allowable contribution limit of $2,400 per individual to spend approximately $329,000 on a television ad campaign attacking one of Buck’s potential primary opponents.


As is clear from the foregoing, the Declaration Alliance, Campaign for Liberty and AJS television ad buys made for the benefit of Buck and the Buck Committee and the AJS campaign literature promoting Buck for Senate mailed to Colorado citizens were financed, upon information and belief, by Morgensen, Hensel Phelps, other contributors, Cache Bank and Trust, Greeley, CO, and/or Mrs. Buck to the extent of her joint ownership interest in the Greeley Townhouse. See attached Exhibit L. As such, these contributions constitute contributions in excess of the permissible FEC limits, impermissible coordinated campaign expenditures and prohibited corporate contributions by a major federal government contractor and/or a regulated banking institution.


Moreover, Buck’s campaign manager Mr. Klein had details concerning the AJS television ads, such as the amount of the ad buy, where and when the AJS television ads would be run, and the duration of the AJS television ad buy. See attached Exhibit K. This is the sort of information that could only have come from those purchasing and running the ads, namely AJS and/or Morgensen and/or Hensel Phelps and/or Mrs. Buck and/or other undisclosed contributors. Thus, the Declaration Alliance and AJS ad buys were “made in cooperation, consultation or concert with” Buck and the Buck Committee, and the ads are coordinated communications under the Act and the Commission’s regulations.

As a result, expenditures by Declaration Alliance, Campaign for Liberty, AJS, Morgensen, Hensel Phelps, Mrs. Buck, and/or other undisclosed contributors constitute impermissible in- kind contributions to Buck and the Buck Committee and, in all probability, prohibited corporate contributions by a major federal government contractor and/or a regulated banking institution for the benefit of Buck and the Buck Committee

More from Page One Kentucky website. Click here.

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