Friday, July 09, 2010

Aide: Blago hid in bathroom to avoid staff

CHICAGO – Rod Blagojevich hid in the bathroom, ducked into a back room and left the office early to avoid discussing complex issues with his budget director, his former deputy said Thursday at the ousted governor's corruption trial.

Former Deputy Governor Robert Greenlee portrayed Blagojevich as disengaged from daily affairs of state government, saying the governor spent on average two to eight hours a week in his office. He said that during working hours, the governor generally was at home or attending high-profile events.

Greenlee said he would confer with Blagojevich by telephone when they discussed issues and policy matters, but that he once had to go to dinner with the governor and his family at a bowling alley to get Blagojevich to focus on legislation that had to be addressed immediately.

Former budget director John Filan, Greenlee testified, had to chase after the governor to get him to discuss important items.

"He would hide in the bathroom, hide in the back room or leave early," Greenlee said, adding that Blagojevich went to great lengths to avoid staffers whom he felt disagreed with him too often.

Read on.


Anonymous said...

The prosecution should be wrapping this up soon, maybe next week.

But OMG, hiding in the bathroom.

SP Biloxi said...

lol Yup, hid in the bathroom. Pathetic, huh?