Wednesday, June 16, 2010

'Too Hot' Ex-Citi Banker Prepares For Sex Harassment Suit

Debrahlee Lorenzana who claimed she was fired by a New York City Citibank branch for being too good-looking, has beefed up her legal team.

Lorenzana has hired Gloria Allred, a high-powered feminist lawyer who also represents alleged Tiger Woods mistress Rachel Uchitel, RadarOnline reports. In a statement, Allred told RadarOnline that Lorenzana "has been unfairly and viciously attacked in the media for having the courage to step forward and take a stand against blatant sex discrimination and retaliation."

Last week, according to the New York Post, Lorenzana, 33, returned to her job at a New York City JPMorgan office. Her return, reports the New York Daily News , "came days after her [former] lawyer claimed Chase was threatening to fire her for speaking out against Citi."

Read on.

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