Thursday, June 24, 2010

SPB News for Thursday

US scores 'dead last' in health care
Americans spend 'twice as much' on health care as other developed nations.

72 more bodies found in WTC debris
Final sift of 9/11 debris; 1,000 people still unidentified.

Australia Gets Its First Female Prime Minister

Gulf oil spill: Boat captain, despondent over spill, commits suicide — William Allen Kruse, 55, a charter boat captain recently hired by BP as a vessel of opportunity out of Gulf Shores, Ala., died Wednesday morning before 7:30 a.m. of a gunshot to the head, likely self-inflicted, authorities said.

Spitzer, Parker to host primetime CNN show — CNN announced Wednesday that Kathleen Parker and Eliot Spitzer will host its new 8 p.m. program. — Washington (CNN) - Former New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer and 2010 Pulitzer Prize winning columnist Kathleen Parker will co-host …

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