Saturday, June 26, 2010

SPB News for Saturday

Rolling Stone broke interview ground rules with McChrystal, military officials say — Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal has made no public comment since President Obama relieved him of his Afghan war command Wednesday, silently taking his lumps for disparaging remarks he and his aides …

Cheney hospitalized — Former Vice President Dick Cheney was admitted to the hospital Friday after experiencing discomfort, the latest health scare for the 69-year-old Republican leader who has a long history of heart disease. — Cheney was expected to remain at George Washington University Hospital

House, Senate leaders finalize details of sweeping financial overhaul — Key House and Senate lawmakers agreed on far-reaching new financial rules early Friday after weeks of division, delay and frantic last-minute deal making. The dawn compromise set up a potential vote in both houses …

Jindal blocks opening oil spill records
Vetoes bill to make LA records public, saying it could impede litigation.

Last week's poll had asked:

Oil has been escaping into the Gulf of Mexico since a drilling rig leased by BP exploded in April. Should more money be spent on research and development into oil replacement? JL readers answered  no. This week's poll is now up.

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