Friday, June 25, 2010

SPB News for Friday

Bristol Palin 'not convincing' as teen mom on TV show

Bloomberg, Murdoch team up on immigration

Police Raid Home Of Catholic Bishop In Sex Abuse Investigation

California Welfare Cards Can Be Used In Many Casino ATMs - Los Angeles Times

Gov wants state workers on minimum wage pending budget deal. LA Times

Senate Dems fail to advance tax extenders bill for the third time — Senate Democrats on Thursday failed for a third time to advance legislation to extend unemployment benefits through November. — In a 57-41 vote, the Senate failed to end debate on the legislation.

Judge Faces Death Threats After BP Gulf Oil Drilling Moratorium Ruling — New Orleans—While many Americans undoubtedly agree with the decision of U.S. District Court Judge Martin Feldman to overturn the Obama administration's moratorium on deep water drilling, not everyone is happy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really wish the Palins would stay in Alaska, and stay out of the news. They are a useless bunch. Now they can't seem to get enough of the spotlight. They are almost in the Brittany/Paris category of the public overdosing on them.