Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Orrin Hatch: Drug Test The Unemployed

Utah voters have reacted enthusiastically to Sen. Orrin Hatch's legislation to drug test the unemployed and those receiving other forms of government cash assistance, the Utah Republican told the Huffington Post after introducing his measure last week.

"A lot of people are saying, 'Hey, it's about time. Why do we keep giving money to people who are going to go use it on drugs instead of their families?'" Hatch said.

The goal, he said, is to get users into treatment.

"Now, it doesn't do away with food stamps. And it does get the help for them that they really need. And if they get the help, then they're right back on to the cash," he said.

He said he has gotten little feedback from his colleagues, however. Sens. Bob Bennett (R-Utah), Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) and Scott Brown (R-Mass.) all told HuffPost they don't have an opinion yet on Hatch's measure and will have to study the language.

Read on.

Now the lawmakers including with candidates running in the Senate are attacking the unemployed. Nevada Senate GOP candidate running against Reid said that unemployed are spoiled and Kentucky Senate GOP Rand Paul said that the unemployed need to quit whining and get back to work. Now, the 99ers that exhausted all of their unemployment benefits and who asked for 5th tiers has come up with a Plan B:

The 99ers -- those self-proclaimed unemployed who have exhausted their 99 weeks of unemployment -- have made a bold move and petitioned President Barack Obama to sign an executive order to extend unemployment benefits for those who have reached their eligibility limit. The call for the executive order was directed to Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA) to be hand delivered to President Obama and Senior Political Advisor David Axelrod in the hope that Congress could be circumvented and the unemployed could get their benefits, which many so desperately need

Read on.

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