Tuesday, June 29, 2010

GOPers trash Thurgood Marshall at Kagan hearing

Republican senators sound increasingly unlikely to try and block Elena Kagan's confirmation to the Supreme Court, owing perhaps in part to public apathy, but in the meantime they've focused some of their attention on an even more difficult target: former Justice Thurgood Marshall, a civil rights pioneer, the first African-American to sit on the high court and one of Kagan's self-avowed heroes, for whom she clerked early in her career.

Marshall's name came up 35 times during the first day of Kagan's confirmation hearings, compared to 14 mentions of President Obama, by Talking Points Memo's count. Read on.

GOP needs to reminded of Thurgood Marshall's final vote for his confirmation. The vote on the Marshall nomination was 69-11, with 20 Senators not voting. Ten Democrats and one GOP voted against Marshall. Click here.

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