Monday, June 14, 2010

Complaint filed with OCC and SEC against BofA and CEO

Washington DC, June 11 - complaint was simultaneously filed with Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and respective Committees of the US Congress by Dr Joseph Zernik, a fraud victim and shareholder of Bank of America Corporation. The case, subject of the complaint, originally involved merely real estate fraud, as opined by the highest reputation fraud experts. The initial fraud was small-scale fraud - at less than $2.0 millions. However, by 2010 – it involves the highest levels of management in Bank of America, US banking regulators, law enforcement, and inquiries by US Congress on such agencies. Moreover, evidence inherent in the case demonstrated the large-scale fraud on the US taxpayer in disintegration of underwriting, “sound banking principles”, and both internal and external audit at Countrywide and Bank of America. It provides unique insights into US financial infrastructure, banking regulation.

Read on.

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