Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The clown show trial continues..

From the Sun-Times

Rod Blagojevich’s defense lawyers filed a bid for a mistrial, saying that Judge James Zagel’s repeated rulings against them have kept them from telling their side of the story.

“Defense counsel has been systematically prevented from engaging in meaningful cross-examination by unwarranted sustaining of objections,” Blagojevich’s lawyers wrote in the filing. “The result is the deprivation of a fair trial and a mistrial is warranted.”

They also complained about Zagel’s comments in front of jurors, citing one remark from Zagel: “Don’t do that, now we‟re getting into the mind-reading of the prosecution.”

“Moreover, by ruling on these “mind reading” objections orally in front of the jury, it sends an inappropriate message to the jury (when only the defense is sustained on these questions).”

Also, Blago's former aides are burying Blago's defense strategy. Read more about it on The Capitol Fax Blog. Click here.


Anonymous said...

One of our early morning news (5:30-6 AM CST) had people on would you rather spend all this money on this trial or let the feds go after the gangbangers, especially after 50 shootings just last weekend, yep, one weekend in Chicago. Most people said let Blago go, and let the Feds spend their time and energy going after the gangbangers. Yep people are tired of all the kids, children and innocent people being shot and many killed. Many said dismiss this trial get the Feds on problems that affect us all.

On another note, wow, we have to go through yet another former Governor on trial in this State.

SP Biloxi said...

Yes, Third, unfortunately, this trial is getting to be like a vaudeville show. Blago is making a mockery of the justice system.