Friday, June 25, 2010

Blago trial: Harris believed Obama knew of Blago's plot

Harris: Obama knew of Blagojevich plot
— A top aide to former Gov. Rod Blagojevich said he believed Barack Obama knew of Blagojevich's plot to win himself a presidential Cabinet post in exchange for appointing Valerie Jarrett to the U.S. Senate. — John Harris, Blagojevich's former chief of staff …

And more from the tapes:

Rod Blagojevich and his wife, Patti, are on the phone discussing a job possibility at a labor organization.
Patti Blagojevich is looking online for salary information.

Rod Blagojevich: It doesn't matter. You're . . . just wasting f------ time . . . We're simply saying, create this position. Here's what I want . . .
Patti Blagojevich: Yeah.
R.B.: How about I hang up on you? What are you doin'? What is this? . . .
P.B.: I tried to be helpful and you jumped down my f------throat . . .
R.B.: I don't like you talkin' in some weird f------ way.

Rod Blagojevich to his wife on Barack Obama's marriage

R.B.: He's more henpecked than me. So he listens to Michelle Obama more than I listen to you.

Rod Blagojevich on a job with the Salvation Army

R.B.: Oh, that would be huge. But do you have to wear a uniform? Forget that.
Rod Blagojevich on a job at the United Way
R.B: The United Way. What is the United Way?

Rod Blagojevich on his potty mouth

R.B.: That's f------ good. I gotta stop swearin.' I gotta stop swearin'.
P.B: It's terrible.
R.B.: Yeah.
P.B.: Total gutter mouth.
R.B.: Very bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's really painful to be an Illinois resident, and this is one of the reasons.