Tuesday, June 15, 2010

AZ immigration law may increase Phoenix foreclosures

The impact of Arizona's tough new immigration law is rippling through the state, six weeks before the law is scheduled to go into effect.

One area where SB 1070 could hurt Arizona, but take many months to manifest, is metropolitan Phoenix's housing market.

An exodus of people - both legal and illegal residents - could be one more drag on a housing-market recovery. Departures from a state where growth is the economic foundation could add to the number of foreclosures and vacant houses and apartments, all of which will hurt the housing industry just as signs of recovery are starting to appear.

Driving illegal immigrants out of Arizona is one stated purpose of the new immigration law. But the law, experts say, could also drive out legal residents and deter potential new residents - people who are afraid of what might happen to them or who simply object to the law.

Read more: http://www.azcentral.com/arizonarepublic/news/articles/2010/06/14/20100614arizona-immigration-real-estate-foreclosures.html#ixzz0qt1zsXEW

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