Saturday, May 22, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Saturday

It's his third day of campaigning and he's already exhausted! How can he fight for the people of Kentucky for six long years if he's already worn out?

Paul Backs Out Of Meet The Press Appearance
At the end of a rocky week, newly chosen Senate nominee Rand Paul (R-KY) has canceled a planned interview on NBC's "Meet the Press" citing exhaustion. It's only the third cancellation from a major guest in 62 years, the show's Executive Producer Betsy Fischer said in an interview this afternoon.

"It is a big deal when somebody cancels an appearance," she said.

Fischer and host David Gregory have been attempting to convince Paul's press secretary and campaign manager since the Paul camp scrapped the interview this afternoon. They first arranged the Sunday show interview on Wednesday after he won the party nomination Tuesday night. Fischer said Paul's press secretary said he was exhausted.

GOP candidate: Puerto Rico is a country
BOISE -- Sarah Palin is in Boise to campaign for Republican Vaughn Ward -- who is vying for a seat in congress.
Ward admits that in recent weeks -- he has experienced what he calls mis-steps.

But Wednesday night, he says he mis-spoke while debating his opponent in Post Falls.

It had to do with a question about U-S expansion -- whether Puerto Rico should become a state.

Ward answered, "The problem with extending statehood to some, to any other country, is that then the infrastructure requirements...cost an enormous amount of money. Let's focus on what's important here. It's about putting Americans back to work. It's about putting this country right again. And I don't see that and I don't care what state it is or what country it is that wants to become a part of America; it's not time, it's not going to be time. Let's focus on us first."

Labrador, who was born and raised in Puerto Rico, responded: "I just need to correct, Puerto Rico is not a country, Puerto Rico is a territory of the United States. It's about time that we took some civics lesson and we learn what Puerto Rico is."
Ward then said, "I really don't care what it is. I mean, it doesn't matter. I don't care."

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