Thursday, May 20, 2010

Lawsuit: Wells Fargo Mortgage Rep Demanded 'Phone Fun,' Nude Pics From Customer

Hat tip to Courthouse News Service:

A Wells Fargo customer service rep demanded that a customer have "phone fun" with him before he would correct an erroneous transaction, according to a recently lawsuit filed in New Jersey.

While on a business trip, Jamie Nelson, whose mortgage is owned by Wells Fargo, noticed that the bank had wrongly taken money out of her personal checking account. Nelson, according to the lawsuit, then contacted Wells Fargo's Home Mortgage Division and asked it to refund the money.

Neslon gave her cell phone number to an employee who called himself, "Michael," the lawsuit states. "Michael" contacted Nelson via text message and demanded that Nelson have "phone fun" with him. A text came from the defendant which said "Are you near a bathroom?" which, Neslon says "clearly implied that he wanted naked photographs in exchange for providing his customer service."

The lawsuit, which is aimed at both "Michael" and Wells Fargo itself, states that Nelson suffered emotional distress which will require future medical attention.

READ the lawsuit:

PhoneFun -

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