Thursday, April 29, 2010

Stupid is as stupid does for George Will

Big Tent Democrat from wrote:

George Will:

Arizonans should not be judged disdainfully and from a distance by people whose closest contacts with Hispanics are with fine men and women who trim their lawns and put plates in front of them at restaurants, not with illegal immigrants passing through their back yards at 3 a.m.

(Emphasis supplied.) As most of you probably know, I am Latino. And so is Markos. So are the members of the editorial board of La Opinion. So is Marco Rubio. So is Cesar Conda. And Jeb Bush wakes up next to a Latina.

Will should not project his own limited life experience with Latinos on to other people. BTW, the conservative Arizona Republic newspaper said "[n]ot since the dismal days of our nationally infamous fight over a holiday to honor the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., has the profile of Arizona descended this low." And Arizona Republican Hispanics said "SB 1070 is a direct slap in the face to Hispanic Americans who have fought and died for several American wars."

I suppose the experience with Latinos is different at Beltway cocktail parties.

Speaking for me only

On a side note: Blogger Big Tent Democrat is also an attorney. There are many people from all races in the country that are intelligent and some that are ignorant and have a brain size of a BB in the case of George Will.

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