Wednesday, April 28, 2010

SPB News for Wednesday

Laura Bush suggests she and President Bush were poisoned during trip to Germany

House blocks Reps' pay raises

Greece's debt downgraded to 'junk'

Meghan McCain Blasts Arizona Immigration Law

Peter Ruplenas, 91-Year-Old Vet, Sues Bank Of America Over Mortgage Malfeasance

New York governor Patterson proposes furlough for 100000 state employees

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ya, and Laura Bush was busy chatting with her friend when she drove her Dad's Impala into her ex boyfriends car. She blames it on the corvair he drove.

How stayed at home and slept while his funeral went on.

Really sad.

Shows you the kind of charactor she has.

How she said the Gerbils landing at Katrina would cause traffic problems for rescue workers.

Yep, I have read enough of the excerpts to not want to buy the book. She is just doing it for beer and booze money to keep the Gerbil all sloshed so she can carry on with her boyfriends.