Monday, April 26, 2010

JP Morgan Chase Dimon Not The Only CEO Whose Commencement Address Is Being Protested

Deal Breaker:

Let it be known: you do not have to be a strapping, beautiful, devastatingly charming bank executive and no friend of the city of Atlanta to have university students get their panties in a bunch over your speaking engagements at their school. Members of Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs are “up in arms” over Vikram Pandit’s selection as their commencement speaker this year.

They apparently don’t give a rat’s ass that Citi had a profitable first quarter and they’re seething at the perceived notion that Vik doesn’t jibe with the “the spirit of what public affairs is supposed to be,” like a their top picks– Stephen Colbert and Hil and Bubba Clinton. They also say this isn’t about the financial crisis, they’ve just never liked Wall Street period, ’cause of the bonuses (“[Pandit] represents an industry that, even when it was stable and not in crisis, paid itself outrageous salaries,” fumed Daniel Safran-Hon, 29).

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