Friday, April 30, 2010

Did Goldman's ex-employee commit perjury?

Daniel Sparks told Congress he didn't expect a group of financial products to fail. Internal documents suggest he knew otherwise.

Mother Jones:

Internal documents show Sparks himself knew and often wrote about the firm's negative view of the mortgage markets and mortgage-related products:

 Sparks was among the recipients of an October 30, 2006, email concerning a $2 billion deal called Hudson Mezzanine 2006-1. One of the four products cited during the hearing, this synthetic CDO was downgraded to junk status less than 18 months later. That email shows that Goldman bought all $2 billion worth of protection against Hudson’s failure—meaning that even as the firm helped design the deal for sale to investors, it was betting on and stood to gain from Hudson's demise, which ultimately happened.

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