Tuesday, March 09, 2010

SPB News for Tuesday

Conservative California state senator comes out — California State Sen. Roy Ashburn, a conservative Republican with a solidly anti-gay voting record, came out as gay today on a Bakersfield radio station talk show. Ashburn's sexual orientation had been the talk of Sacramento since …

U.S. May Repatriate Omar Khadr From Guantanamo Canadian-born terror suspect Omar Khadr may eventually go back to Canada, even if the Conservative-led government is exerting efforts to keep him in the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Canadian courts have ordered the repatriation of Khadr, but Ottawa has blocked moves to repatriate him. According to reports, Washington is quietly seeking a way to return Khadr because U.S officials do not want to try him for [alleged] war crimes he committed when he was 15. Obama administration officials are reportedly seeking an offer from Ottawa to avoid a possible political backlash from releasing a terror suspect.

TSA adds swabbing of palms to arsenal at Pittsburgh airport The government is spending more than $100 million on screening equipment at Pittsburgh International and other U.S. airports that it hopes will keep terrorists off balance, without inconveniencing passengers or trampling their privacy. But some security experts and passengers question whether the devices will make airports safer, particularly against next-generation terror plots they might not thwart, such as surgically implanted explosives.

Deleted e-mails by Sheriff Joe Arpaio's office subpoenaed by grand jury (AZ) Maricopa County officials said Monday that a federal grand jury investigating Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his office for alleged abuses of power has subpoenaed some e-mails that were thought to have been deleted by the sheriff's office but turned out to have been saved by the county. The e-mails had been requested earlier in an ongoing lawsuit that accused Arpaio's office of racially profiling Hispanics in its immigration patrols.

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