Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Tuesday

Bill Kristol Critiques Health Care Summit He Says He Didn't Watch
Bloody Bill Kristol claims he didn't watch any of the Health Care Summit, but that didn't stop him from giving Chris Wallace his critique of the event. If he didn't watch it, how does he know how the President, Ryan and Alexander did? And of course him saying he didn't watch it didn't stop Chris Wallace from hanging on his every word while he explained what he thought about what he didn't watch.
WALLACE: Have you been clarified, Bill?
KRISTOL: No, but I didn't watch it, so I... I have a life, you know, and -- you compared it at the beginning of the hour to a dog-and- pony show, and I thought to myself, "That's really an insult to dog-and- pony shows, you know?" Those are pretty -- I like the dog shows there on the Animal Planet.
But having said all that, of course, one has to say that it was -- many people were impressive. The president showed his usual professorial ability to sort of say certain things and highlight certain facts or alleged facts. Paul Ryan and Lamar Alexander and some of the Republicans did fine.
Look, the bottom line is, as one House Republican said to me Friday, unless this really changes the political dynamics, this bill will not pass the House. I mean, it passed barely three months ago and the bill was less popular -- less unpopular three months ago than it is today. That's the big story. The president gave a speech September 9th, the huge health care speech, to Congress. Right around then the numbers were about even, do you approve or disapprove of Obama's health care proposal. Two months later, it had gone negative. Now it's as negative as it's ever been.
The more people see it, the less they like it. Unless that summit sort of magically changes that dynamic, I do not believe that they will pass in the House and the Senate on a party-line vote something

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