Thursday, March 04, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday

Palin: ‘I joined Fox’ because there’s too much ‘opinion interjected in hard news’ in the mainstream media.
In January, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin (R) joined other potential 2012 Republican presidential nominees at Fox News as a paid contributer. Tuesday night, she appeared on Jay Leno’s show and decried the state of the mainstream media as “quite broken,” and — touting her employer’s slogan — in need of more “fairness” and “balance”:
PALIN: I studied journalism, my college degree there in communications. And now I am back there wanting to build some trust back in our media. I think the mainstream media is quite broken and I think there needs to be the fairness, the balance in there — that’s why I joined Fox. Fair and balanced, yes. You know because, Jay, those years a go that I studied journalism it was all about the who, what, when, where, and why, it was not so much the opinion interjected in hard news stories. … As long as there is not the opinion under the guise of hard news stories — I think there needs to be clear differentiation.

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