Monday, March 01, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Monday

McCain on military's gay ban: 'I believe that it's working'
Sen. John McCain once said that he would trust the opinion of military leaders to decide when it was time to end the military's controversial Don't ask, don't tell policy. Now that the Congress is considering repealing the policy, McCain seems to have changed his tune.
In 2006, McCain told MSNBC's Chris Matthews, "The day that the leadership of the military comes to me and says, Senator, we ought to consider seriously changing it because those leaders in the military are the ones we give the responsibility to."
In past weeks, military leaders have come forward to do just that. Admiral Mike Mullen told Congress that repealing the ban was "the right thing to do."
Gen. David Petraeus told NBC's David Gregory that troops didn't care if fellow soldier were gay.
But the Arizona Senator seemed to dismiss the opinions of those military leaders Sunday.
"Admiral Mullen was as quote speaking personally. Just this week commandant of the Marine Corps said he did not want Don't ask, don't tell repealed. There are many in the military who do not want to," said McCain.
went on to say that the discriminatory policy is effective. "I believe that it's working," he told David Gregory Sunday.

Kyl tries to defend Bunning blocking unemployment benefits
Sen. Jon Kyl explained Sunday why Sen. Jim Bunning was justified in blocking an extension of unemployment benefits. "All Senator Bunning was saying quite correctly it ought to be paid for," Kyl told Fox News' Chris Wallace.
"Congress passed the so-called pay-go legislation which is supposed to require we find offset or other savings if we are going to spend money. So the first thing we do, we exempt this bill from it," he complained.
But Kyl does believe the extension of benefits will eventually pass because they are temporary.
"It will be pass, though, because it's temporary extension. The question for the longer term extension is a different issue because that's well over $100 billion," said Kyl.

Rush Limbaugh mocks the uninsured: Let them eat applesauce.
Media Matters:
Limbaugh: "What's wrong with using a dead person's teeth? Aren't the Democrats big into recycling?" Responding to Slaughter's account, which he
called the "sob story of the day, Limbaugh stated:
LIMBAUGH: You know I'm getting so many people -- this Louise Slaughter comment on the dentures? I'm getting so many people -- this is big. I mean, that gets a one-time mention for a laugh, but there are people out there that think this is huge because it's so stupid. I mean, for example, well, what's wrong with using a dead person's teeth? Aren't the Democrats big into recycling? Save the planet? And so what? So if you don't have any teeth, so what? What's applesauce for? Isn't that why they make applesauce?
Limbaugh previously told a caller who could not afford the $6,000 it would cost to treat a broken wrist that he "shouldn't have broken [his] wrist."

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