Friday, March 05, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Friday.

Sean Hannity: Sarah Palin is Smarter Than Obama
Sean Hannity is starting to sound a lot like Grandpa Pat Buchanan with his praise of his girlfriend Sarah Palin. Juan Williams tells Hannity that "he's really out there tonight" with his praise of Palin and when he dares to point out that the reason for his fawning might be Hannity being physically attracted to her Hannity gets a little bit defensive.
Hannity: I think she’s gone a long way to opening the door for people to say alright, maybe she was treated unfairly.
Williams: No but she was very human and funny in that segment. It’s not going to convince seventy five percent of the American people who don’t think she’s qualified to be president but clearly she’s a warm, attractive and I know that you think extremely attractive human being.
Hannity: What does that mean? I think… what is that all about?
Williams: I think she is a superstar centerfold for conservative men…
Cupp: Eeeewww…. Centerfold…
Hannity: Why are you making this… I think she’s great. I think she’s gutsy. I think she’s courageous and I’ll tell you what… I think she’s smarter than Barack Obama. She wouldn’t lead us into this socialist utopia. She wouldn’t bow before…
Williams: You are just so wild on this point. That’s why I just excuse you my pal. I will say go right ahead Sean. You know, your libido is getting in the way of your thinking…
Hannity: You ask me I’ll take Gov. Palin as president over Barack Obama. Who do you think?
Williams: Come on.
Hannity: Come on?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hannity can't think when all the blood rushes to his _________(you can fill in blank) sighhh imbecile.

The Fox entertainment nutwork is not used to having intelligence in the WH....ok, ya there was Cheney, evil and intelligent, the worst kind,