Thursday, February 11, 2010

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday

Attempting To Justify His Double Standard, Gingrich Falsely Claims Richard Reid Was An American Citizen
Newt Gingrich has helped lead the conservative effort to politicize the attempted terrorist attack on Christmas day. Since the failed attack, he has called for “profiling” and asserted that Republican political campaigns should get a “boost” from the incident.
Tuesday night, in an interview with Jon Stewart on The Daily Show, Gingrich tried to skewer the Obama administration for reading Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, the alleged Christmas day terrorist, his Miranda rights. Stewart noted that the Bush administration had also informed the shoe bomber Richard Reid of his Miranda rights. Gingrich justified his double standard by claiming that the circumstance was different because Reid was “an American citizen.” Stewart took the extra step of returning after commercial break to correct Gingrich — Reid was a British citizen:
GINGRICH: The American people doesn’t understand reading Miranda rights to terrorists in Detroit when its fairly obvious they’re terrorists. […]
STEWART: Didn’t they [the Bush administration] do the same with Richard Reid, the shoe bomber.
GINGRICH: Richard Reid was an American citizen.

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