Friday, February 26, 2010

Georgia County Elects GOPer Who Had Affair With Mother-In-Law


Glenn Richardson, the family-values Republican who represented the county and was speaker of the house, stepped down after his ex-wife publicly accused him of having "a full-out affair" with a lobbyist while he was married.

So when Paulding County voters went to the polls for a special election Tuesday, they selected ... another family-values conservative who had admitted to an extramarital affair!
Meet newly minted Rep. Daniel Stout.

His campaign Web site touts his conservative, pro-family bona fides. "I believe Paulding County wants someone who will stand strong for the conservative principles we've always believed in ... lower taxes, limited government, personal responsibility, and valuing Life from the womb until natural death," he says.

But, as the writer Tom Crawford of Capitol Impact noted this week, Stout "has been compelled to address a personal incident from 10 years ago: he had an affair with his first wife's mother while his first wife was pregnant with their daughter. Stout and his first wife subsequently divorced."

In a statement to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Stout apologized and said, "This humbling experience changed my life dramatically."

He also said the relationship with his mother-in-law "was stopped short of 'sex.'"

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