Saturday, December 12, 2009

White House responding to Boner's Op-Ed on jobs

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer schools Boner on jobs.

White House website:

Leader Boehner leads off his attack with a reference to "the president's proposals to raise taxes on small businesses." This is odd given that the first of the three steps laid out by the President on Tuesday is explicitly lowering taxes on small businesses, with zero capital gains, extending expensing and bonus depreciation, and a tax credit to promote hiring—all proposals many Republican leaders have embraced in the past.

There are those who claim we have to choose between paying down our deficits on the one hand, and investing in job creation and economic growth on the other. But this is a false choice.

Ensuring that economic growth and job creation are strong and sustained is critical to ensuring that we are increasing revenues and decreasing spending on things like unemployment so that our deficits will start coming down.

The President has always said there is an open door for good ideas and when Congressman Boehner and Republicans in Congress are interested in being a part of a conversation about how to move forward instead of rooting against the path to economic recovery—we look forward to having a productive conversation.

Mr. Pfeiffer needs to remind John Boehner [Boner] that more jobs were created in Boehner's own district.

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