Thursday, December 24, 2009

What the Healthcare Reform bill means to you

From the Democratic Senatorial Committee:

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) is the most sweeping health care reform package this country has ever seen. It will reduce costs, increase access, and provide critical insurance reforms that will put patients first. This legislation also makes Medicare more solvent and expands prescription drug coverage, all while reducing the deficit and reining in health care costs. The PPACA provides choice and competition and invests in the small businesses of this country.

• The PPACA will reduce the federal deficit by $132 billion first ten years
• In the second years, the bill will reduce the deficit by roughly $1.3 trillion.
• This bill will result in a net tax cut for Americans.

• This legislation will cover over 94 percent of all Americans.
• It will provide coverage to 31 million of America’s uninsured.
• The bill will also expand rural and community health facilities.

Small Business
• This legislation provides tax credits to small businesses, beginning in 2010.
• These tax credits will health insurance more affordable for small businesses and their employees.

Insurance Reforms
• Insurance companies will be held accountable, forced to spend more on care and less on padding their bottom line.
• Insurers who excessively raise their rates will be barred from competing for your business in the Exchange.
• Patients will have the right to appeal to an independent board if an insurance company denies a coverage claim.
• Health insurers will offer national plans to Americans under the supervision of the Office of Personnel Management, the same entity that oversees health plans for Members of Congress.

Click here to learn more about the legislation and how it helps fix our broken health care system.

And read more of the short summary of the bill from Sen. Debbie Stabenow's website.

Click here.

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