Saturday, December 12, 2009

SPB News for Saturday

Tiger Woods taking hiatus from golf — I am deeply aware of the disappointment and hurt that my infidelity has caused to so many people, most of all my wife and children. I want to say again to everyone that I am profoundly sorry and that I ask forgiveness.

CIA Cancels Blackwater Contract To Load Missiles On Drones

DOJ rejects Jack Johnson pardon

Indiana City Threatens $2500 Fines for Challenging Traffic Tickets --Lawyer sues traffic and parking courts in Indianapolis, Indiana over threatened $2500 penalty for contesting a ticket in court. 09 Dec 2009 Motorists who receive minor parking or traffic tickets in Indianapolis, Indiana are being threatened with fines of up to $2500 if they attempt to take the ticket to court. A local attorney with the firm Roberts and Bishop was so outraged by what he saw in Marion County traffic court that he filed a class action suit yesterday seeking to have the practice banned as unconstitutional

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