Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Wednesday

Lyin' Michele Bachmann pulls health-care figures out of her butt
Without a doubt, one of the worst aspects of watching health-care reform crumble before our eyes is dealing with gloating of the wingnuts who made it crumble -- and especially watching them lying again and again and again as they do so. It's just in their nature to lie, and to do it repeatedly.
Case in point: Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Outer Wingnuttia, went on Fox News last night with Sean Hannity and talked about how she hoped the health-care reform was dead and finished, and both she and Hannity were obviously gleeful at the prospect. At every corner she was a font of disinformation and false "facts". The topper came at the end:
BACHMANN: We need bipartisan reform, and we Republicans are there ready, willing, and able. We want bipartisan reform. Let's scrap what we have and let's move forward, because President Obama's bill will mean 5.5 million jobs lost, and that's according to his own economist, Christina Romer.
Well, as Media Matters explains, there's simply no such figure anywhere in anything Romer has ever said -- indeed, she has said that "health care reform is an economic necessity," and that it will "allow lower unemployment".

Fox News’ New Idea For Fighting Unemployment: Decrease The Minimum Wage
Back in July, when a scheduled increase in the minimum wage from $6.55 to $7.25 per hour was about to take place, Fox News ran a segment examining how “the hike will hurt,” joining a media chorus about the supposed detrimental effect the increase would have on business hiring.
Now, with its Republican-inspired “Where are the jobs?” campaign in full swing, Fox has gone “on the job hunt” with a “new” idea for increasing employment: cutting the minimum wage. Jumping off from an op-ed by Washington Post editorial board member Charles Lane, Fox yesterday ran a handful of segments on the same basic premise — cutting the minimum wage may be the answer to the jobs dilemma.

After Voting For Gitmo Closure, Mark Kirk Now Says ‘The Safer Policy’ Is To Keep It Open
The Obama administration announced today that it will acquire the prison facility in Thomson, IL to help house a limited number of detainees from Guantanamo. Many residents of Thomson have indicated that they welcome the move, hoping that it will “improve the economic conditions” in their area.

Two months ago, Rep. Mark Kirk (R-IL) voted on a homeland security bill that contained a provision that authorized the transferring of prisoners out of Guantanamo Bay. Now that he’s running for Senate and trying to court the right-wing base, Kirk is staking a different position. Commenting on Fox News today about the Obama administration’s announcement, Kirk said he would instead opt to keep Gitmo open:

The much safer policy would be to keep them at Guantanamo Bay. The taxpayer has paid for a $275 million state-of-the-art facility there. And it doesn’t present any of the other security or legal risks that this plan does.

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