Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Tuesday

Angry McCain goes off: 'Democrats are like Madoff'

Huckabee compares Nelson to Judas

WND polls Republican birthers

Popular fringe site asks how many readers would send Obama 'back to Kenya'.

Steele: 'I'm Tired Of Congress Flipping The Bird' At Americans

WATCH: Matalin Compares Health Care Reform Supporters To 'Jihadists'

Cheney Named 'Conservative Of The Year' By Human Events

Conservative of the year’ Dick Cheney denies there have been ‘any results’ from the stimulus.
But in an accompanying interview with Human Events Editors Tom Winter and Jed Babbin, Cheney demonstrated that he doesn’t want to actually engage in a “substantive policy debate” by claiming that there haven’t been “any results” from President Obama’s stimulus package:

Q: And that’s how you would create more jobs?

CHENEY: I would. But you have to work the spending side in terms of trying to wrap up some of the spending that’s going on out there. When you start talking about another ‘stimulus two’ of hundreds of billions of dollars and we haven’t seen any results to speak of, of stimulus one, we can anticipate that the Bush tax cuts that we put in place in ’03 that are going to expire in the end of next year. That is a real tax increase. That is going to happen without Congress having to do anything. It’s going to automatically kick in when those cuts expire. And that affects capital gains and investment income and those are measures that you would clearly not take if you were seriously interested in growing the economy.

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