Thursday, December 24, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Thursday

Gingrich: If GOP takes back the House, Bachmann would become a committee chair.

Was C-Span Caller A Prankster -- And Has He Done It Before?

Republicans Revolt Against Tanning Salon Tax: What’s Next? Taxing ‘Anyone Who Goes To The Beach’?
Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-NV) decision to replace the so-called Botox-tax in the Senate health care bill with a 10 percent levy on indoor tanning salons has sparked quite the outrage. Republican lawmakers, appalled at the idea of using spray tans to maintain those artificial orange glows for the C-SPAN cameras, stumbled and stuttered their way through an incoherent critique of the tax, demanding that Democrats “explain” the new fee and joking that that the government could tax “anyone who goes to the beach” or doesn’t wear sunscreen that blocks “everything that the sun might produce.”

Bolton: Strike On Iran Is No Problem As Long As It’s Accompanied By A ‘Campaign Of Public Diplomacy’
Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmedinejad Wednesday rejected a year-end deadline set by the Obama administration to agree to a U.N.-sponsored proposal for Iran to ship its low-grade uranium abroad for further processing.
On Fox News yesterday, John Bolton — who has wanted
nothing short of a military strike on Iran for years — dismissed any talk of sanctions and lamented that if Israel “take[s] a pass” on attacking Iran, then “Iran gets nuclear weapons.” When host Trace Gallagher wondered if attacking Iran might cause the opposition there to coalesce around the regime, Bolton said that wouldn’t be a problem because all that would be needed is an accompanying public diplomacy campaign:
BOLTON: I don’t agree with that, if handled properly. … I think a careful campaign of public diplomacy in the wake of a military strike could explain to the people of Iran who are knowledgeable and sophisticated, that the attack is not aimed against them, it’s aimed against this regime that they dislike so much.

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