Thursday, December 17, 2009

Nearly 50% of Detroit's workers are unemployed

Real sad:

Despite an official unemployment rate of 27 percent, the real jobs problem in Detroit may be affecting half of the working-age population, thousands of whom either can't find a job or are working fewer hours than they want.

Using a broader definition of unemployment, as much as 45 percent of the labor force has been affected by the downturn.

And that doesn't include those who gave up the job search more than a year ago, a number that could exceed 100,000 potential workers alone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Since you brought up Detroit.

Seems Ford is not going to be making it's cruisers (used for police, taxi's etc) might be a dumb move for Ford. Chevy is going to remake it's version....hmm, this might help GM and hurt Ford.