Friday, November 20, 2009

SPB News for Friday

GOP Sen. Lugar's Wife Arrested For DUI

Geithner Defends AIG Bailout

Obama Nominates Former Bush Spox Perino For Admin Post

Woman Awarded $3M In Rape Claim Against KBR

Poll: Lincoln Could Lose In 2010 If She Supports Health Care

Gates: Iraq Withdrawal On Schedule

First Floor Vote On Health Care On Saturday At 8 PM ET

Police In Riot Gear Meet UCLA Protesters After UC Approves Fee Hike

Coverage denied, girl faces deafness
6-year-old denied coverage for birth defect; could be deaf within a year.

Oprah to end talk show in 2011
UK's Brown drops support for ex-PM; Belgium PM now appears to be favorite.
Judges 'gagged' on torture claim --Binyam: Judges attack UK secrecy over public documents Senior judges say the foreign secretary is stopping them releasing details of CIA interrogation techniques - even though the US has published them. The High Court says it wants to refer to previously classified documents as part of its judgement on the alleged mistreatment of Binyam Mohamed. Mr Mohamed says the US tortured him after his arrest in Pakistan in 2002. The declassified material is online - but the UK says using some of it in court would harm national security.
Canada shamed on Afghan prisoner torture
OTTAWA–A senior diplomat delivered a series of explosive allegations to a rapt House of Commons committee Wednesday, telling MPs that Afghan prisoners transferred by Canadians ...

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