Monday, November 16, 2009

Senator McConnell wants healthcare reform bill delay for 6 weeks.

In plain English: Delay until the end of the year. There will be heads rolling from the people and backlash against the GOP.


Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Fox News Sunday Sunday that a majority of Americans don't want the Democrats' health care reform plan to pass -- and that if Democrats go forward with reform, they'll be ignoring "the opinion of the American population."
And McConnell said he plans to delay the bill with lots of amendments on the Senate floor.
The American people are overwhelmingly telling us, don't pass it. It'll be up to whether the Democratic majority wants to listen to the American people or whether they want to pass this anyway, just to basically ignore the opinion of the American population.
Regardless, McConnell said health care reform won't leave the Senate anytime soon, suggesting that he'll "delay the process to allow everyone to fully understand what is in the bill."
This will be on the floor for quite a long time. I think it ought to be on the floor at least as long as it's been in Harry Reid's office.
McConnell also said that it would be "very difficult to pass a bill that, in effect, either directly or indirectly provided taxpayer money to pay for abortions," suggesting the Democrats don't have 60 votes in the Senate for such a bill.

And more from Huffington Post.
Click here.

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