Saturday, November 21, 2009

Senate Ethics Panel Admonishes Burris Over Blago Dealings, Moves On


In "public letter of qualified admonition" issued yesterday, the Senate ethics panel criticizes Sen. Roland Burris (D-IL) for "inconsistent, incomplete and misleading" testimony about his discussions with Gov. Rod Blagojevich's brother and the governor's associates before his appointment to the Senate last year.
The full letter is here. The Washington Post observes that this is the mildest form of rebuke in the ethics panel's quiver.
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Anonymous said...

It's no wonder he's not in it to run for Senate.
Seriously, this guy was Comptroller in Illinois for 12 years followed by Illinois Attorney General for one term.

He had a nice career that was looked upon favorably...but he should have known better, maybe he did not think Blagojevich could ever possibly be caught, I mean really Blago was elected again with a cloud hanging over him by the Feds, but then Judy Baar Topinka was the GOP who worked closely with now jailbird Ex Gov Ryan.

airJackie said...

Ronald is now a marked man in the Legal Field. His worse nightmare will be for G-Rod spills more secrets on Ronald.