Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Presidential bow revisited: Bowing to Mao

The media has continuing to make a big deal and major headlines over Obama's bowing. Is this the news??? No, it is not. If the media and the dittoheads would pick up a history book or better yet speak with someone who is originally from China to discover that bowing to a Chinese leader means showing respect. Every country have different gestures on how to show respect especially to leaders. I notice no one from media made a big deals over President Bush holding the hand of the Saudi leader. Maybe the media should learn why this country have a long way to go to showing other countries our respectability thanks to the mess of the previous President.

David Sanger from NY Times also recalls the flap over a George H. W. Bush bow in what really does seem, by historical standards, like a non-story, if a recurrent one.

In this video clip of President Richard M. Nixon's historic visit to China, which includes, at 1:24, a rather deep bow to Mao Zedong:

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