Monday, November 16, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Monday

Mitt Romney Slams President Obama on Afghanistan
November 16, 2009 CNN
Romney: The president's inattention and dereliction have reminded me of the Northwest Airline pilots who became so distracted with things of little importance that they lost their way, which is exactly what this president has done in Afghanistan. In this case with greater consequence.

David Brooks: Sarah Palin is 'a joke'
Columnist David Brooks is a conservative that isn't blindly devoted to former Gov. Sarah Palin. "She's a joke. I can't take her seriously," he told ABC's George Stephanopoulos Sunday. "The idea that this potential talk show host is considered seriously for the republican nomination, believe me, it will never happen. Republican primary voters are not going to elect a talk show host," said Brooks.
But the other conservative on the panel with Brooks wasn't buying into the Palin frenzy either. George Will thinks Republicans can do better. "Some conservatives think they have found in Sarah Palin a Republican William Jennings Bryan. Now, Why would they want someone who lost the presidency three times?" asked Will.

Liz Cheney floats her father Dick as potential 2012 presidential candidate.
Liz Cheney, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney, sat on this morning’s Fox News Sunday panel. The topic turned to President Obama’s respectful bow before Japanese Emperor Akihito, for which the president is being attacked mercilessly by conservatives. Host Chris Wallace aired a videotape of Vice President Cheney choosing not to bow before the Emperor in Feb. 2007, and then asked the panel what they thought of “bow-gate.” Liz saw an opportunity to make a case for her father:
LIZ CHENEY: You could also look at the comparison and think, Cheney 2012.
WALLACE: Really?! How far do you want to go with that?
KRISTOL: Let Liz make news. Cheney/Palin.
WALLACE: Or Palin/Cheney — don’t be sexist.


Anonymous said...

David Brooks does not want to go down in the sinking GOP ship.

And Liz Cheney.....pu leeze, she was on fox nutwork, and she is just as crazy as the rest of the Faux News folks.

Besides her Dad was President for the 8 years, this country can't take anymore of Darth.

SP Biloxi said...

Remember, Chicago Native, Dick was never appointed in public office. So, for Liz to think that the public is going to vote for a man who has been nothing but a corporate CEO of Halliburton and who is draft dodger that received five deferments in the military to be the commander-in-chief of this country is insane.

Besides, Bush's own party didn't want Cheney as his running mate. And all political parties can't stand Dick.

Anonymous said...

Well we all know who ran the country for the last GOP tenure.

No Cheney does not have a chance.

Breaking news now only Blago's brother is going to trial with him.
They just threw out Chris Kellengjer because he was connected with Chris Kelly, the now no longer with us Kelly.
also with Alonzo Monk flipping on Blago it's all they (Feds)need, really.