Tuesday, November 17, 2009

For over 100 bucks in donations gets you a free, signed copy of Palin book


For all her 2012 denials, former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is sure sounding like a presidential candidate in her fundraising emails.
Palin (R) asks supporters for up to $5,000 in donations, and anything over $100 gets a free, signed copy of "Going Rogue."
She says Ronald Reagan "showed us the way" and "charted the course for us," and goes on to quote C.S. Lewis:
C. S. Lewis once wrote: "We all want progress, but if you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road." We need to get back on the right road.
In order to progress, we must return to our founding principles of limited government, fiscal responsibility, and strong national defense.
Palin says she'll help commonsense candidates "regardless of party" and asks for fundraising help with a peppy message:
"We won't let anyone tell us to sit down and shut up. We're going to stand up, stand together, and fight for what's right!"
Palin's full email after the jump.
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Anonymous said...

I have not bought or read, any of Hannity's, Coulter's, Beck's, O'Reilly's books, and I can assure you this one is not on my reading list either.

Anonymous said...

Oh by the way Beck's latest book is already marked down and on clearance, I paged through it, seriously it has cartoons, pictures, it's like in scrapbook style throughout.....tells you what type of audience he has geared this book towards.