Monday, November 16, 2009

Dozens of Gitmo Detainees Get Habeas Hearings By Video

AP has a report on the 15 Judges of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia who have been holding habeas hearings for the Guantanamo detainees not charged with crimes. The hearings have been ongoing as a result of the Supreme Court's decision that detainees have the right to challenge their detention and conditions of confinement. So far, 30 have been ordered released, and 8 have been ordered detained. The scorecard is here.

Total Habeas Cases Decided: 38
Habeas Cases Granted: 30
Habeas Cases Denied: 8
Habeas Granted and Released: 18
Habeas Granted and Still Detained: 12

Current Guantanamo Population: 215

The court's public website for the cases is here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yep, they could end up in Illinois. See Capital Fax blog for more information, Gov Quinn, etc are really trying to get them in the Thompson prison (named after Jim Thompson former GOP Governor, former Northern Illinois US Attorney, former defending legal team of Gov. now, Jailbird, Ryan)