Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Tuesday

‘Honorary Texan’ Sean Hannity pledges to ‘stop this move towards America and socialism.’
This past week, Texas Gov. Rick Perry (R) appeared at Sean Hannity’s Freedom Tour in Texas. Standing on-stage with the Fox News host, Perry awarded Hannity a certificate declaring him to be “an honorary Texan.” In accepting the award, Hannity incoherently told the audience, “I promise you, as of Monday morning, we’re back on the mission. We’re going to stop this move towards America and socialism. I promise you with all my heart.”

Rep. Mike Pence is exposed as an out of touch conservative on FOX News Sunday
WALLACE: Congressman, isn't the recession leveling off? And doesn't President Obama deserve some credit?
WALLACE: But nobody -- excuse me. Nobody said that the stimulus bill was going to stop the recession.
WALLACE: But I want to ask you about another report, and we're going to put it up on the screen. More than 2,400 people are now at work on federal-stimulus-funded roadway projects in Indiana.
"What's clear is that the stimulus projects have boosted an industry otherwise floundering in Indiana." And that is not from the DNC. That's from the Evansville, Indiana Courier & Press.
WALLACE: First you're saying the stimulus is bad. Now you're saying you're just not getting your fair share of it.

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