Monday, August 03, 2009

Planet Wingnut News for Monday

Michelle Malkin gets slapped down for bogus claim that people would rather receive unemployment than work
Malkin: If you put enough government cheese in front of people they are just going to keep eating it and you're just kicking the can down the road and just to hammer this point about the unemployment benefits extension again it was Larry Katz, who's a chief labor economist under the Clinton labor department who came out with a study and there are a lot of these economists who say this that if you keep extending these "temporary" unemployment benefits you're just going to extend joblessness even more.
Stephanopoulos: I don't know if I follow that though
Malkin: That was a Clinton economist who said it George...
Stephanopoulos: Choosing to take the unemployment benefits when a job is available?
Malkin: Seventy nine weeks already and then they're going to extend it by another thirteen weeks and what happens is according to these economist who have seen it including this Clinton economist is that people will just delay getting a job until the three weeks before the benefits run out.
Tucker: Well, that might be true when there are jobs out there that are available, but there are very few jobs available at the moment so I don't think people are using that unemployment benefit to be lazy instead of going out and searching for jobs...
Malkin: I'm not making a moral judgment, it's an incentive problem.
Tucker: But when businesses advertise the few job openings they have, they'll advertise twenty openings, they have six thousand applicants so I don't think that's the problem...
Hunt: If Starbucks were hiring, suddenly you'll see lines around the block. Anecdotally George, I have a kid who has some friends from college and many of them don't have jobs and boy, they are looking.
Stephanopoulos: And there are other states especially that are hard hit.
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Chris Matthews Calls Deathers Rhetoric "Dr. Death Rumor Mongering" After Fear Mongering on the Issue Himself
Just what part of the Rabbit Hole did Chris Matthews' memory bank have to go down for him to have made this statement? Does he think that none of us have access to the transcripts
or video of his show for the past week? After spending a good deal of the last week fear mongering and promoting the Betsy McCaughey talking points on end of life counseling, Matthews actually has the gall to call it "Dr. Death rumor mongering".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's that Fox news mentality. The GOP manifesto, and someone who has never known anyone on umemployment, another clueless one, ...yep, like someone really wants to live on a fraction of what they made, and then pay COBRA on top of that, Michelle Malkin is just another clueless GOP.