Monday, August 03, 2009

Palin lawyer threatens to serve papers to blogger, then balks.

And the blogger happens to work at a kindergarden class. The Palin saga is getting to be a pain. Attacking a teacher who is blogger. How low can you get. Palin: a pitbull with lipstick.

Thomas Van Flein threat to the "Immoral Minority" blogger.

From the Immoral Minority blog:

As many of you are already aware I DID receive a notification from Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein yesterday. It arrived in my e-mail in PDF form and you can read it over at the Alaska Report.

Now Van Flein is forcing me to make an admission that I have resisted addressing for the four plus years I have had this blog.

Yes I DO work in a Kindergarten class during the school year. My main job affords me some time during the day and I have chosen to use it teaching children to read, and helping them to become more independent. I do it because it brings me joy to work with these children and I believe, and have been told, that I am very good at it.

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