Monday, August 03, 2009

Media Matters will run ad campaign on CNN condemning Dobbs’ birther sympathies.

Hilarious. Anti-Dobbs ads will be running on Dobbs' own network.


Recently, CNN host Lou Dobbs joined the ranks of the birther movement, demanding that President Obama release his birth certificate to prove that he was born in the United States. Although CNN President Jon Klein originally told Dobbs to stop pursuing a “dead” story, he later backed off, telling the Washington Post that Dobbs’ critics are “people with a partisan point of view from one extreme or another.”

Now, Media Matters has put together a new 30-second ad — which will air starting Tuesday on Fox News, MSNBC, and even during Dobbs’ show on CNN — calling attention to Dobbs’ affinity for the birthers’ demands.

Dobbs has responded to the ad campaign by labeling Media Matters a “rabid left-wing operation.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My take on the whole thing was he was trying to rile up the right wing nut job to show just how pointless it was to keep going on and on about the citizen thing.

Dobbs knows that he is on CNN, what the right wing nuts call the liberal news program.

Coulter and Fox got it, they got all riled up and fluffed up about it. And Coulter took the bait and is foaming at the mouth, if I could stomach the weasel and Falafel King tonight, they would be ready to pop some gaskets too.