Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Major shakeup in the White House counsel office.

The Obama administration lawyer perhaps most associated with the president’s decision to close Guantanamo Bay and the decision to release secret Bush-era memorandums authorizing torture may leave his post as White House Counsel, according to a report Tuesday.

Gregory Craig, 64, leads the White House Counsel’s office and has been integral to Obama’s positions on terrorism, taking the lead with Attorney General Eric Holder in advocating for the release of Bush Administration memorandums authorizing torture, and urging the president to embrace a policy under which some terrorist suspects could be held indefinitely even if they weren’t convicted in court of any crime.

Obama’s top lawyer also brokered a little-discussed agreement between former Bush adviser Karl Rove and the House Judiciary Committee, which RAW STORY reported on last week.

A Tuesday Wall Street Journal report avers that the Obama administration has begun discussions about Craig’s exit, though a spokesman dismissed the report as “Washington parlor games.”
Read on.

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