Thursday, August 06, 2009

Judge Clarence Thomas' wife: We love sleeping in Wal-Mart parking lots

He may not say much when he's on the bench, but on the road Justice Clarence Thomas handles the grilling.

So says the justice's wife Ginni in an interview with The Takeaway, referring to who cooks when the Thomases are in their recreational vehicle.

Justice Thomas and his wife's love for life on the open road is well known, but in the interview, Ginni discusses what it is about traveling in an RV that is so appealing. For one thing, Ginni Thomas said, you get a chance to sleep in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

"We have been in dozens of Wal-Mart parking lots across the country. It's one of our favorite things to do. You can get a little shopping in, see part of real America. It's fun,” Thomas said.

Thomas said it’s also a chance to go incognito, something that must be difficult to do inside the Beltway. When asked if their worst nightmare would be to pull up to a campsite and see Justice Antonin Scalia roasting marshmallows on a campfire next door (a great visual anyway), Ginni Thomas laughed and said she could think of worse things, such as fending off fans.
Read on.

So, Walmart is the real America??? Huh???


Anonymous said...

Walmart used to advertise made in America.

Note: Most full time logistics postions for Walmart are in India.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Walmart does not chase anybody out of the parking lot. Truckers who no longer have enough money for hotel rooms park their rigs in the parking lot overnight.