Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Journalists Ling and Lee are now home

And here is President Obama's statement.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

I'm still on vacation so I'll fill you in on some stuff. Chicago was great and I went on tours and the boat ride. The people are wonderful and helpful. I did notice how most can't afford to live in Chicago the rent is over the top and only the very wealthy can afford it. I see why their is so much crime and corruption in the State. Everyone one speaks of where Obama was and of course where he live. Randall was away from his office but he did leave me a message. I love Chicago and the Pizza is the best. If I ever go to Italy I'll let you know who wins ok. I thought about all of you when I was in Chicago. I even saw a cat and called him Mr. Kitty Bowtie but he didn't answer. Oh the statue of the Oldman/Old lady was great Peaches took pictures of them and everything we saw. The Hotel was great and 5 star. I talked to everyday people and learned so much. I did not talk about G-Rod at all. I think the people have had enough besides they would ask me about the idiot Terminator if I did. Oh I went to the then called Sears Tower, the name was changed the next day. Oh I visited the Harry Potter Event and saw the movie. It was so funny I had no idea how long that walk was and I was almost late for the movie. Yes the movie was good but the last book is the bomb. Hint there will be 7 Harry Potters that's it no more hints. I had my Potter shirt on to show support. In short Chicago is so pretty it's stands up to any large City.

Now to the topic you know I love Bill Clinton and I'm so proud of him and how much he gives of himself to others while he's still being attacked for his sin. I really do wish God had made him my brother because I have sisters but no brother. Ok I'm black but in heaven it doesn't matter so maybe I'll get my wish up there since people might have a problem down here on earth. Oh I still love my Mr. Kitty and you to Third and Markie and Prissy and SPB. I had no idea I was old I realized it when I read how old Bill is and we're the same age. I still think I'm 29 years old with the support of Peaches and Family still telling me that is my age.