Monday, August 03, 2009

Fired USA Bogden’s appointment to his old job will be historical first

Fired USA of Nevada Dan Bogden’s appointment to his old job by Obama appears to a historical first: He will be the first U.S. attorney to be appointed and fired by the same President [Bush], only to be appointed U.S. attorney again by another President [Obama]. However, Bogden's firing and who initated him on the list of firing becomes a mystery. But, it is uncovered the circumstances of Bogden's firing.

The Atlantic:

But if Dan Bogden was unable to learn from the report why he was fired, he was able to find out something else about the circumstances of his firing: If he had had a wife and kids at home, he might not have lost his job at all.

As it turns out, McNulty had expressed qualms to other Justice Department officials about getting rid of Bogden, Just prior to Bogden’s firing, according to the DOJ report,McNulty emailed Sampson to say, “I am a little skittish about Bogden. He has been with DOJ since 1990 and at age 50 has never had a job outside government…. I’ll admit [I] haven’t looked at his district’s performance. Sorry to be raising this again/now… It is just on my mind last night and this morning.”

Indeed, Bogden’s entire life had been devoted to public service. Upon graduating from law school in 1982, he had become a member of the United States Air Force Judge Advocate General’s Office, where he remained for five years. Then, from 1987 until 1990, he served as a prosecutor for the Washoe County District Attorney’s Office in Reno, Nevada. In 1990, he became an assistant U.S. attorney in Nevada and, in 2001, he was named to the top job.

Shortly after McNulty conveyed his qualms to Sampson via email, McNulty reiterated the concerns in a meeting. He “came into my office,” Sampson told investigators . “I’m concerned about Bogden,” MCNulty told Sampson and a few other senior DOJ officials in the room. “… he’s 50, hasn’t had a job in [the] private sector, and what about his family.”

According to Sampson’s account, another senior official corrected McNulty: “He’s a bachelor,” the official said, “He’s single.”

As Sampson recalled to investigators, McNulty responded, “Okay never mind.” McNulty, Sampson said, “then got up and left my office.”

According to Las Vegas Review-Journal, on a side note, no one seems to know why he's been asked to leave before his term expired in 2008. Bogden was confirmed on November 2, 2001. He was confirmed on the day U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald was confirmed. See GPO's PDF. Fitzgerald's name was going to be on the USA firing list put together by Gonzo's aide Kyle Sampson. Sampson told Senate committee in a hearing that he removed Fitzgerald's name off the list.

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